The cravings of the olive grove olives with stone olives | Sarasa Gourmet


The cravings of the olive grove olives with stone of Sarasa Gourmet

Ingredients: Fruits and vegetables (verdial olives with stone, gherkins, onions, red bell pepper, carrot, chili pepper), water, salt, olive oil, vinegar, flavor enhancers, acidulant, antioxidant, sweetener, preservatives and spices.

Los antojos del olivar” is one of our genuine recipes whose flavor has not been imitated.

Net weight: 435gr.

Drained weight: 240gr.

  • Ships in 24/ 48h
  • Free shipping from 59€ on Peninsula

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SKU: sarasa-081369 Categories: , ,
Weight 0,350 kg
-5% dto
Original price was: 4,48€.Current price is: 4,26€.
-5% dto
Original price was: 3,49€.Current price is: 3,32€.
Original price was: 40,32€.Current price is: 38,71€.
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