Royal Spanish CannerySee catalog

Assortment No. 3 – RCE Selection 1920

Assortment nº 3 of 12 cans of Real Conservera Selección 1920 consisting of:

Original price was: 50,92€.Current price is: 49,43€.

Product Quantity

Mussels in pickled sauce 12/16 pcs - Real Conservera Selección 1920

Mussels in pickled sauce 12/16 pcs - Real Conservera Española Selección 1920

Ingredients: Mussels and pickled mussels.

12/16 pieces. Net weight: 79 gr. Drained weight: 54 gr.

Store in a cool, dry place.

Consumption: 4 years from the date of manufacture.

In stock


Sardines in olive oil 10/15 pcs.

Sardinillas 10/15 pieces - Conservas Real Conservera Selección 1920

Ingredients: Sardines, olive oil and salt.

Net Weight: 120 gr

Drained Weight: 84 gr



Out of stock


Tuna in olive oil : Real Conservera 1920

Yellowfin tuna in olive oil - Conservas Real Conservera Selección 1920

Ingredients: Tuna, olive oil, and salt.

Net Weight: 115 gr

Drained Weight: 75 gr

In stock

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