Gift box : Conservas La Curiosa

Original price was: 14,20€ – 44,00€.Current price is: 13,48€ – 44,00€.

Do you have or do you want to give a gift for a special occasion, birthday, anniversary, etc ?

La Curiosa has used Galicia’s best preserves as canvases to illustrate, in collaboration with an artist, the most memorable events of each year.

We have 80 designs, one for each year from 1940 to 2020, personalize your custom case.

First choose your favorite canned food and then the year you are looking for.

Inside each tin tells a story of what happened in that year…five events, the hits of the movies, the most popular songs and even who was born.

“A gourmet preserve dressed as a gift.”

Give the date of her birth, the year of her wedding, the birth of a child, the year you met.

  • Ships in 24/ 48h
  • Free shipping from 59€ on Peninsula

SKU: lc_pack2 Categories: ,
-5% dto
Original price was: 42,50€.Current price is: 40,38€.
Original price was: 68,10€.Current price is: 66,74€.
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