Assortment of Asparagus Lot nº 1 Conservas El Navarrico

Original price was: 39,87€.Current price is: 38,68€.

Assortment of Asparagus of Conservas El Navarrico

  • 3 jars of Asparagus from Navarra 8/12 fruits
  • 3 cans of Asparagus from Navarra 6/8 fruits
  • Ships in 24/ 48h
  • Free shipping from 59€ on Peninsula
-9% dto
Original price was: 8,15€.Current price is: 7,39€.
-5% dto
Original price was: 6,75€.Current price is: 6,41€.
-5% dto
Original price was: 3,49€.Current price is: 3,32€.
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