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Pack 12 cans of Sardines stewed “Xoubas”| La Brújula


Ingredients: Sardines, olive oil, tomato, onion, pepper, wine, wheat flour (gluten), spices and salt.

Weight: 130 gr (net) and 110 gr (drained).


  • Ships in 24/ 48h
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Sardines stewed "Xoubas" : Conservas La Brújula × 12

5,45 each

In stock

Conservas La Brújula selects the best fresh fish and seafood from the Galician fish markets at the optimum moment of each season to be canned. In addition, their products come directly from Galicia, such as the Sardinas Guisadas with the original recipe from 1920.

Regarding the way of manufacturing their preserves, the cleaning, packaging and preparation of sauces are made by hand, treating the raw material thoroughly to achieve the best quality and presentation. For this reason, today its preserves have positioned themselves as one of the most beloved gourmet products.

Sardines stewed "Xoubas" : Conservas La Brújula

Weight 0,150 kg

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