Smoked oysters in olive oil Don Reinaldo


Don Reinaldo Smoked Oysters

Ingredients: Oysters-mollusks, natural smoke, olive oil and salt.

Format: RO-120 format

Net Weight: 110 gr.

Drained Weight: 62 gr.

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Carefully selected from the best oysters from the Ebro Delta, prepared in a traditional way, cold-smoked and carefully packed in olive oil, Conservas Don Reinaldo’s smoked oysters are an authentic delicatessen, refined and exquisite as can be, standing out not only for their quality and palate, but also for providing a surprising and novel smoked touch, perfect for enhancing the soft and delicate natural flavor of the oyster.

Don Reinaldo smoked oysters are a totally natural product to which no preservatives are added, they are simply cold smoked following a totally traditional process and preserved in the best quality olive oil.

The variety used are the oysters known as oysters (Crassostrea gigas), which have a very curved lower shell and a flatter upper shell.

Each specimen is subjected to a brief steam bath so that it opens up a little, then the meat is removed with a knife, which is placed in very hot water and then in cold water, a process that is repeated two or three times. Once slightly dried, the oyster is cold smoked, at a temperature below 30 degrees, with beech wood smoke, for 6 to 12 hours.

Finally, the oysters are placed in the metal container, which is covered with olive oil, closed and sterilized.

Weight 0,150 kg
-10% dto
Original price was: 3,45€.Current price is: 3,11€.
-10% dto
Original price was: 10,95€.Current price is: 9,85€.
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