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Baby squid in its ink 6/8 pieces | Conservas La Brújula


Baby squid in its ink 6/8 pcs of Conservas La Brújula

Ingredients: squid, olive oil, onion, pepper, tomato, wine, salt, ink and spices.

Baby squid elaborated with a homemade stew

The canned squid La Brújula is a delicious snack that surprises by the taste and texture of the natural ink. La Brújula canned baby squid are selected by choosing the smallest sizes. They are cleaned by hand one by one. Prepared according to homemade taste, stuffed with their tentacles or ‘paws’ and covered in their ink.

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These Spanish chipirones are absolutely amazing! Enjoy them straight from the can as a snack or pair them with a simple bowl of white rice, either way they are scrumptious. La Brújula is well known for their perfectionism in every detail, but these Small Squids in Ink are a masterpiece. Carrying out sustainable fishery, the squids are caught off the Galician coasts and selected according to their size. Once the small ones have been set aside, La Brújula´s highly qualified personnel gently cleans them, one by one, by hand, and delicately folds the tentacles inwards. They are then cooked and finally set in a sauce made of olive oil, onions, peppers, tomatoes, white wine, spices and the squid’s own ink, before being hand packed. Each can brings 6-8 pieces.

You’ll be able to prepare thousands of traditional Spanish dishes with the Small Squids in Ink: for instance, the beloved Spanish tapas. These squids are perfect to add to a tapas board, Spain’s world-famous spread of appetizers and small dishes  Just lay the squids on a loaf of bread, top with pepper, an olive, hold together with a toothpick, and you’re ready to offer squid “montaditos”. For a slightly elaborate main course, what about a twist to your everyday spaghetti? Heat some oil in a pan, add some chopped bacon, onions, pepper, garlic and spices. Sauté the ingredients for a few minutes, add white wine, and crown the sauce with the whole content of the can (the squids plus the ink). Once the pasta is al dente and has been drained, add a spoonful of the sauce and voilá! Just add some chopped parsley for the sake of décor and serve immediately. The flavors will be so well-balanced that you won’t even need to add grated cheese on the pasta: just be sure to have more of that wine used in the sauce and the equilibrium will be complete!

Weight 0,150 kg



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